What is Software Architecture

  • Organized Structure: Software architecture is the structured design of a software system.

  • Component Interaction: It defines how different parts (components) of the software interact with each other.

  • High-Level Decisions: Involves making key decisions about the overall organization and design of the system.

  • Reliability and Scalability: Aims to create a system that is reliable, scalable, and can meet specific goals.

  • Blueprint for Development: Serves as a blueprint for the development team, guiding them on how to build the software.

  • Maintainability: Addresses how easily the software can be maintained and adapted to changes over time.

  • Quality Attributes: Considers and plans for various quality attributes like performance, security, and maintainability.

  • Patterns and Styles: Involves using design patterns and architectural styles to solve common problems in a structured way.

  • Communication: Enables better communication among team members and stakeholders by providing a common understanding of the system's structure and goals.

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